
CPH:DOX 2020 - Feature - Five From The New East [The Calvert Journal]

“CPH:DOX is a festival that has always lead the way for others. The Copenhagen-based event was first to mix genres and styles, something non-fiction festivals only caught onto in recent years, when interdisciplinary work and indiscernible themes suddenly came into vogue. This year has heralded a different kind of experimentation, with CPH:DOX becoming the first major film festival to offer an entirely virtual edition amid restrictions on events during the Covid-19 pandemic. The films that would have been available to ticket-holders in Copenhagen will now be accessible to audiences across Denmark online, whilst the industry movers and shakers who would have flown in to see films premiere will now log on from home.”

Read full article on Radu Ciorniciuc’s Acasă, My Home, Iryna Tsilyk’s The Earth is Blue as an Orange, Ksenia Okhapkina’s Immortal, Alexander Nanau’s Collective and Vít Klusák and Barbora Chalupová’s Caught in the Net on The Calvert Journal