
CPH:DOX 2017 - Feature - Highlight Reel [Senses of Cinema]

"Though only in its 14th year, Danish documentary festival CPH:DOX’s profile has continually grown, so much so that the festival now proudly calls itself “the third largest documentary film festival in the world”. Despite being a festival known for the idiosyncrasy of it’s selected material – documentaries that hybridise, challenge or disrupt expected forms – the festival has continued to increase its visitor figures, both on the industry (1,784 guests) and public (just under 100,000 admissions) sides. Taking a year’s hiatus and moving the festival dates from November to March for this new edition, the festival has distanced itself from competition with IDFA, one of those two “larger” doc-festivals and a competitor both in mission and proximity. With this, room for more world premieres, more attention spent on their seminars, labs and market initiatives, a new “propeller” lab for projects involving a tech-film crossover, and all manner of other metrics and innovations deemed merit-worthy within the cultural capital currency system of international film festivals."

Full article on Clare Simon's The Graduation, Guido Hendrikx's Stranger in Paradise, Yance Ford's Strong Island, Pete Nick's The Force, Mitchell Stafiej's The Devil's Trap, Pepe Guttiérez’s I Promise You Never To Come Back, Esther Wellejus’ You Are Still Somebody’s Someone, and Marcos Migliavacca & Nahuel Lahora’s 1996 Lucy and the Corpses in the Pool on Senses of Cinema.